About me
've been interested in getting on the trail fo Call of fate for a long time, but until 2018 I had no idea that it would one day become my life's work. Instead, I spent half my life chasing a supposed life's mission. I felt bad that I didn't manage to achieve this “life's mission”.
After studying to become a business administration graduate, I initially worked in accounting at various major banks for 20 years and also looked after my 3 children.
At some point I heard the urgent call for more. I have always been interested in everything that has to do with the concept of “reputation”. Since my studies, I was convinced that my actual The calling is teaching.
So I completed various training courses, all of which brought me a little closer to my calling (e.g. resilience trainer and relaxation trainer).
However, I never had the feeling that I had reached the end of the line So I kept looking until I came across Stephan Möritz. I learned mine from him Life's work:
- Follow the call for renewal -
The less suffering your soul has to send, surprising fate decreases.
Dieser Moment war der Startschuss, mich meiner Lebensaufgabe zu widmen. Heute ist daraus eine leidenschaftliche Hingabe geworden. Es erfüllt mich mit Begeisterung und Dankbarkeit, anderen Menschen den Ruf ihrer Seele - ihren Schicksalsruf - näherzubringen.
Du möchtest mich erstmal kennen lernen? Dann vereinbare hier dein kostenloses Kennlerngespräch.
"Lebensaufgaben - Erfahre wie 12 Menschen ihre Seele zur Arbeit schicken"
Ein Praxisleitfaden, herausgegeben von Stephan und Claudia Möritz